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ES5xx ECU and bus interface modules

Reliable access to the vehicle’s ECU

The image shows a diagram of the ES592 ECU and bus interface module

The ES5xx product family contains compact ECU and bus interface modules for testing and calibration applications. They connect the ETK/XETK ECU interface as well as the LIN, CAN, CAN FD, and FlexRay serial buses to the host PC. All ES5xx modules are supported by the software INCA.

ES5xx ECU and bus interface modules and their connections

The image shows a diagram of the ES5xx ECU and bus interface modules and their connections.

The ES59x product family

The ES900 Prototyping and Interface Modules are also supported by INCA. The compact ES910 Prototyping module is distinguished from the ES59x modules by its high computation power. ES910 lets you easily validate ECU function prototypes whether designed in MATLAB®/Simulink®, ASCET, or coded in C under real-life conditions in the vehicle. The compact ES59x hardware modules support the ECU and bus interfaces Ethernet/ XETK, ETK, FlexRay, CAN, and LIN.

The ES5xx product family

The ES523 designed for calibration, diagnostics, and flash programming of ECUs as well as capturing measurement data from ECUs and their environment. The ES58x series of basic interface modules offers compact and cost-effective solutions for connecting the PC to CAN, CAN FD, LIN or FlexRay via USB. The compact ES59x hardware modules support the ECU and bus interfaces Ethernet/ XETK, ETK, FlexRay, CAN, and LIN.

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